Pixelmon Slimeballs (2025)

1. Slimeball - Pixelmon Wiki

  • Muk · Grimer · Ledyba

  • For information on Slimeballs in vanilla Minecraft, see this page.

2. Slime Block - Pixelmon Wiki

3. Slimeball - Minecraft Wiki

  • Missing: pixelmon | Show results with:pixelmon

  • A slimeball is a crafting ingredient commonly dropped by slimes, and can be sneezed out by pandas. If a slime's size is 1, it drops 0–2 slimeballs when killed. The maximum number of slimeballs is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 5 slimeballs with Looting III. Baby pandas have a 1⁄700 chance of dropping one slimeball when sneezing. Wandering traders sometimes offer to sell a slimeball for 4 emeralds. They only trade 4 per Trader. Slimeballs can be used to breed frogs and redu

4. Muk - Pixelmon Generations Wiki

5. Complete List Of Pixelmon Drops | Forum - CraftBros

  • Sep 15, 2015 · ... Slimeball: Duosion, Grimer, Muk, Reuniclus, Solosis Snow: Articuno, Cloyster, Cryoganol, Delibird, Dewgong, Empoleon, Lapras, Mamoswine ...

  • Hey there so today I was reading chat and saw a few people asking where they could get certain items such as carrots or nether wa

6. Pokémon/Drops - Cobblemon Wiki

  • Slimeball 0-1, Black Sludge 2.5%. 1, 0089, Muk, Slimeball 0-2, Black Sludge 5%. 1, 0090, Shellder, Aspear Berry 2.5%. 1, 0091, Cloyster, Aspear Berry 5%. 1 ...

7. Super Glue | Create Wiki - Fandom

  • In block-by-block mode, super glue is used just like a Slimeball. Right clicking on a Linear Chassis or Radial Chassis while holding the super glue, coats the ...

  • Super Glue holds structures in Contraptions together. Super glue has two modes of application: Block by Block Mode and Area Mode. These modes can be intermixed on the same contraption. Each use of the super glue decreases its durability by one. (Durability in this case means the number of times that a tube of super glue can be used. The glue attaching blocks is permanent until removed.) Super Glue can be Enchanted with unbreaking and mending to extend its life. In block-by-block mode, super glue

8. Discover Pokémon in Minecraft Pixelmon Mod | GPORTAL Wiki

  • Minecraft and Pokemon = Pixelmon. Both Minecraft and Pokémon share ... ] slime is one of the three sources for slimeballs. They are important for ...

  • Battle Pokémon in Minecraft! Pixelmon lets you experience a cubic Pokémon adventure: catch, fight & breed ➜Read here all about it!

Pixelmon Slimeballs (2025)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.